
An elegant wine glass whose silhouette and delicate detail elevate and complement the liquid within.


The measurement, the swirl, and the tilt: captured by a single etched line.


The thin line etched around the glass’s surface serves as a measuring line for one five-ounce serving, while evoking both the gesture of swirling wine in the glass and that of lifting the glass to one’s lips.

The stemless version preserves the bowl’s satisfying feel and elegant form, while gravity reinforces the resonance between the liquid’s shape in the glass and the volume described by the etched line.

Mold-blowing the bowls for the Inclination wine glasses. The mold used here is a block of solid cherry wood, with a negative of the glass's shape carved out by CNC router.


Each wine glass’s bowl must be blown separately from the stem and foot. After the stem and foot are attached, the pontil is removed to create the rim and the line is etched.


The addition of a hollow, blown foot, mirroring the lower portion of the bowl, adds cohesion to the design.

Inclination was designed in 2013 and exhibited at Spazio Rossana Orlandi during the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan.